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(Music) King Monada – Malwedhe



South African House music singer, King Monada returns to the music scene with an impressive single titled “ Malwedhe ”.

King Monada is warning his partner that she should not break up with him because he has a disease of collapsing. He is warning that if she doesnt answer the phone he collapse too.



King Monada – Malwedhe Lyrics

Translation to English

Below is Malwedhe lyrics from Khelobedu to English. therefore, this will bring more clarity to many
people who are lost and trying to find meaning to the song.

King Monada Malwedhe Lyrics

Makwela Makwela Monada!!!
Nna rena le malwedhe ( I have a sickness)

Geo okhe Jola lenna, ( if you are dating me)

Okhe raloke kago Nhlala
( Don’t play with breaking up with me)

Nna rena le malwedhe ( I have a sickness)

Wa nhlala odho tsosa Malwedhe ale khole
( if you break up with me, you will bring up hidden sickness from far)

Kena Le Bolwedhe bja go idibala
( I have a sickness of collapsing)

Wa nhlala kea idibala
( If you break up with me, i collapse)

Malwedhe aka akamo maratong.
( My sickness is rooted in love relationships or comes from love relationships)

Wa jola Kea idibala. ( if you cheat, I collapse)

Wa njolela Kea idibala.
( if you cheat on me, I collapse)

Lege okha mphe tshelete, kea idibala
( even if you don’t give me money, I collapse)

Ge okha dize, kea idibala
( if you don’t give me money, I collapse)

( My sickness is rooted in love relationships or comes from love relationships)

Wase boye gae, kea idibala.
( if you don’t return back home, I collapse)

Wa tima phone kea idibala.
( if you switch off your phone, I collapse)

Phone ya Tshwara Ke modhabo kea idibala
( If your secret lover answers the phone, i collapse)
Wa njolela Kea idibala.

( if you cheat on me, I collapse)
Malwedhe aka akamo maratong.

( My sickness is rooted in love relationships or comes from love relationships)

Kena Le Bolwedhe bja go idibala
( I have a sickness of collapsing)
Wa nhlala kea idibala

( If you break up with me, i collapse)
Nna rena le malwedhe ( I have a sickness)

Geo okhe Jola lenna, ( if you are dating me)

Okhe raloke kago Nhlala
( Don’t play with breaking up with me)

Nna rena le malwedhe ( I have a sickness)

Wa nhlala odho tsosa Malwedhe ale khole
( if you break up with me, you will bring up hidden sickness from far)

Kena Le Bolwedhe bja go idibala
( I have a sickness of collapsing)

